Friday, June 22, 2012


I think if I spent the majority of my life with a child in my lap and a book in our hands, I would be happy.

Today we delivered books which had been donated to us to the school at Ms Agnes'. The children (and teachers!) were soooooooo excited! The school currently only has a few Bible storybooks, so the children don't usually get to hear books read aloud. This means, of course, that they rarely if ever get to hold a book.

We started by going into each classroom, calling the children out of their desks to the floor, and reading aloud to them as a class. Then we took children one at a time outside of the class to read with them.

I worked with the preschool/ kindergarten aged children and I can say that the perfect word was "delight. " They wanted to look at all the brightly colored pictures and turn all the pages. They pointed and named the animals in the books. We had a third grade teacher with us today and she worked in the P3 (3rd grade) class. She gave each child a book to sit and read for awhile, and they were amazed! Their schoolwork is all copied into a composition book, so obviously they can read, but to experience STORIES and pictures was simply incredible.

We spent all morning reading with the children. I could have stayed forever! God gave me a little gift, though, because as we wrapped up to go serve lunch, the P1 teacher had gathered the children back on the floor and was reading aloud to them!!! Our small investment will pay HUGE rewards for these precious children.

If you are a book lover and have shelves full of books at your house as we do, just imagine not having ANY. To me that would be a different form of starvation. Now these children are fed.

The remainder of our team arrived yesterday and we are excited about what is left! We will spend this weekend at the orphanage because we can work with and love on all of the children there when they are not in school.

Thank you for your continued prayers, and for helping us feed these children physically, spiritually, emotionally, and mentally!

1 comment:

  1. Jen, I didn't get so far today's post; what I did receive was my beautiful Hallmark birthday filled my heart. If you would re-read the first sentence of this post, you would find a one sentence that, to me, describes your mom.....and her oldest daughter. What a blessing.....
    I love you and Robert more than you can ever imagine
